Twitter’s Gareth Jones, Amex’s Tamar Shapiro check-in to new senior roles at Foursquare

Jeff Glueck and Dennis Crowley of Foursquare Now that the dust has settled from Foursquare’s big split, the company is pushing forward with a few new executives and a brand new office in Los Angeles. The company has recently brought on Gareth Jones — former head of mobile partner integrations at Twitter, who previously held positions at companies like Apple, TRUSTe, and Google — as Director of Technology Services. He… Read More Post by
Twitter’s Gareth Jones, Amex’s Tamar Shapiro check-in to new senior roles at Foursquare Twitter’s Gareth Jones, Amex’s Tamar Shapiro check-in to new senior roles at Foursquare Reviewed by Unknown on 10:09 AM Rating: 5

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