Tencent and education startup Age of Learning bring popular English-learning app ABCmouse to China Tencent and education startup Age of Learning bring popular English-learning app ABCmouse to China Reviewed by Unknown on 6:01 PM Rating: 5

Dictionary app Reverso learns new tricks

Unknown 10:36 AM
Dictionary app Reverso is getting new features with its 8.0 update. There are new exercices and games to help you learn new words. Reverso ...Read More
Dictionary app Reverso learns new tricks Dictionary app Reverso learns new tricks Reviewed by Unknown on 10:36 AM Rating: 5
Robo Wunderkind wants to build the Lego Mindstorms for everyone Robo Wunderkind wants to build the Lego Mindstorms for everyone Reviewed by Unknown on 9:16 AM Rating: 5
Selina raises $95M to create a boutique travel lodging experience built around communities Selina raises $95M to create a boutique travel lodging experience built around communities Reviewed by Unknown on 8:21 AM Rating: 5
Zuckerberg will also testify before the Senate Zuckerberg will also testify before the Senate Reviewed by Unknown on 6:11 AM Rating: 5
Tap Bio’s mini-sites solve Instagram’s profile link problem Tap Bio’s mini-sites solve Instagram’s profile link problem Reviewed by Unknown on 12:57 PM Rating: 5
Instacart is reportedly raising another $150 million Instacart is reportedly raising another $150 million Reviewed by Unknown on 11:17 AM Rating: 5
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