Our favorite startups from 500 Startups’ 18th class Our favorite startups from 500 Startups’ 18th class Reviewed by Unknown on 5:27 PM Rating: 5
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Does Gillette know your name?

Unknown 6:12 PM
 How do you get excited about a new snack food or laundry detergent when virtual reality, artificial intelligence and autonomous cars domina...Read More
Does Gillette know your name? Does Gillette know your name? Reviewed by Unknown on 6:12 PM Rating: 5
60dB brings personalized, short-form audio stories to iPhone and soon, Echo 60dB brings personalized, short-form audio stories to iPhone and soon, Echo Reviewed by Unknown on 8:40 AM Rating: 5
Seedcamp-backed Twine launches marketplace for creatives Seedcamp-backed Twine launches marketplace for creatives Reviewed by Unknown on 6:48 AM Rating: 5
BrainCheck raises $3 million for app to monitor brain health BrainCheck raises $3 million for app to monitor brain health Reviewed by Unknown on 6:13 AM Rating: 5
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