Captain Train rebrands to become Trainline following acquisition Captain Train rebrands to become Trainline following acquisition Reviewed by Unknown on 11:20 AM Rating: 5

Legislating noncompetes

Unknown 11:20 AM
 The battle over noncompetes is a modern-day rendition of an age-old trope: the big corporation versus the little employee; Goliath versus D...Read More
Legislating noncompetes Legislating noncompetes Reviewed by Unknown on 11:20 AM Rating: 5
Meet the startups that just pitched at EF’s 6th Demo Day (and our top picks) Meet the startups that just pitched at EF’s 6th Demo Day (and our top picks) Reviewed by Unknown on 9:58 AM Rating: 5 launches The Balance, a personal finance website for everyone launches The Balance, a personal finance website for everyone Reviewed by Unknown on 6:39 AM Rating: 5
Lydia launches a good old plastic card to go beyond the peer-to-peer payment space Lydia launches a good old plastic card to go beyond the peer-to-peer payment space Reviewed by Unknown on 2:04 AM Rating: 5
Divido raises £2.5M to let you spread cost of purchases while retailers get paid immediately Divido raises £2.5M to let you spread cost of purchases while retailers get paid immediately Reviewed by Unknown on 2:04 AM Rating: 5
VizEat, a startup that lets you dine in a local’s own home, gobbles up €3.8M funding VizEat, a startup that lets you dine in a local’s own home, gobbles up €3.8M funding Reviewed by Unknown on 2:04 AM Rating: 5
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