inploi is another jobs app that wants to kill off the service industry CV inploi is another jobs app that wants to kill off the service industry CV Reviewed by Unknown on 3:56 AM Rating: 5
Splice launches rent-to-own pricing model for software synths Splice launches rent-to-own pricing model for software synths Reviewed by Unknown on 6:55 PM Rating: 5

Let’s meet in Columbus, Ohio next week

Unknown 10:41 AM
 This is going to be fun. I’ll be in Columbus, Ohio next week, Wednesday, August 10, and I’ll be holding a night of pitches and open mic she...Read More
Let’s meet in Columbus, Ohio next week Let’s meet in Columbus, Ohio next week Reviewed by Unknown on 10:41 AM Rating: 5
Accompany’s digital chief-of-staff application launches in beta Accompany’s digital chief-of-staff application launches in beta Reviewed by Unknown on 9:25 AM Rating: 5
Dropbox launches an iPhone and Android version of its document-editing app Paper Dropbox launches an iPhone and Android version of its document-editing app Paper Reviewed by Unknown on 9:06 AM Rating: 5
Ripple acquires Hoodline, bringing two local news startups together Ripple acquires Hoodline, bringing two local news startups together Reviewed by Unknown on 8:49 AM Rating: 5
Powerplant Ventures closes $42 million fund to back “plant-centric” food and tech startups Powerplant Ventures closes $42 million fund to back “plant-centric” food and tech startups Reviewed by Unknown on 8:49 AM Rating: 5
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