Extra Crunch discount now available for military, nonprofits and government employees
We’re excited to announce that government, nonprofit and military employees can get an Extra Crunch membership at a discounted rate of $50 per year, plus tax. If interested in claiming the deal, please contact our customer service team from your .org, .gov, .mil or similar work-related email domain. We’ll also accept other forms of verification, such as proof that the organization is a 501c3 or an employment ID. Our customer service team can be reached at extracrunch@techcrunch.com.
Extra Crunch unlocks access to our weekly investor surveys, daily private market analysis and in-depth interviews with experts on fundraising, growth, monetization and other core startup topics. Find answers to your burning questions about startup and investing through Extra Crunch Live, and stay informed with our members-only Extra Crunch newsletter. Other benefits include a faster-loading and cleaner TechCrunch.com experience, 20% off future TechCrunch event tickets and savings on software services like DocSend, Typeform, Crunchbase and more.
Learn more about Extra Crunch benefits here.
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