Blackboard cofounder Michael Chasen takes CEO reigns at PrecisionHawk

PrecisionHawk helps drones navigate only where it is safe and legal to fly. Commercial drone tech venture PrecisionHawk has a new CEO—again. Red Hat Inc. cofounder Bob Young, who has served as PrecisionHawk’s CEO since July 2015, is handing over the reigns to another veteran of enterprise software, Michael Chasen, a cofounder and former CEO of education tech giant Blackboard Inc. Verizon Ventures, an investment arm of TechCrunch’s parent company… Read More Post by
Blackboard cofounder Michael Chasen takes CEO reigns at PrecisionHawk Blackboard cofounder Michael Chasen takes CEO reigns at PrecisionHawk Reviewed by Unknown on 7:08 AM Rating: 5

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